@@ -92,6 +92,59 @@
order by a.date_create
+ <select id="findListByTypeName" resultType="com.bz.zoneiot.water.core.entity.SceneEntity">
+ <include refid="sceneColumns"/>
+ FROM sms_scene a
+ <include refid="deviceJoins"/>
+ <where>
+ a.status=1
+ <if test="user.companyOrgId!=null and user.deptOrgId!=null">
+ and a.DEPT_ORG_ID = #{user.deptOrgId} and a.COMPANY_ORG_ID = #{user.companyOrgId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="user.companyOrgId!=null and user.deptOrgId == null">
+ and a.DEPT_ORG_ID is null and a.COMPANY_ORG_ID = #{user.companyOrgId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="user.tenantId != null and user.tenantId != ''">and a.tenant_id = #{user.tenantId}</if>
+ <if test="typeNames != null ">
+ and s.scene_type_name in
+ <foreach collection="typeNames" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{item}
+ </foreach>
+ </if>
+ <if test="user.userType!=null and user.userType!=-999 and user.userType!=-9999 and user.programItems != null and user.programItems.size() > 0">
+ <if test="user.permissionType == 5 or user.permissionType == 2">
+ and ( a.DEPT_ORG_ID in
+ <foreach collection="user.programItems" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{item.orgId}
+ </foreach>
+ or
+ <foreach collection="user.programItems" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{item.orgId}
+ </foreach>
+ )
+ </if>
+ <if test="user.permissionType == 4 or user.permissionType == 3">
+ and a.DEPT_ORG_ID in
+ <foreach collection="user.programItems" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{item.orgId}
+ </foreach>
+ </if>
+ <if test="user.permissionType == 1">
+ and a.COMPANY_ORG_ID in
+ <foreach collection="user.programItems" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
+ #{item.orgId}
+ </foreach>
+ and (a.DEPT_ORG_ID is null or a.DEPT_ORG_ID =0)
+ </if>
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ order by a.date_create
+ </select>
<!-- 根据主键获取租户菜单 -->
<select id="findBySceneTypeIds" resultType="com.bz.zoneiot.water.core.entity.SceneEntity">
select a.id