@@ -1166,16 +1166,16 @@
from sms_scene_type st
left join sms_scene s on s.SCENE_TYPE_ID =st.id and PARENT_SCENE_ID ='0'
left join sms_device_parm dp on dp.PARENT_SCENE_ID =s.ID
- left join sms_alarm_details ad on ad.STATE = 1 and ad.SCENE_ID=dp.SCENE_ID and ad.DEVICE_ID =dp.DEVICE_ID and ad.ATTRIBUTE_ID =dp.ATTRIBUTE_ID
- where s.`STATUS`=1 and st.SCENE_TYPE_NAME = '水厂' and s.TENANT_ID =#{tenantId}
<if test="parmType != null and parmType == -1">
and dp.PARM_TYPE in (15,8,10,11,18,19)
<if test="parmType != null and parmType != -1">
and dp.PARM_TYPE = #{parmType}
+ left join sms_alarm_details ad on ad.STATE = 1 and ad.SCENE_ID=dp.SCENE_ID and ad.DEVICE_ID =dp.DEVICE_ID and ad.ATTRIBUTE_ID =dp.ATTRIBUTE_ID
+ where s.`STATUS`=1 and st.SCENE_TYPE_NAME = '水厂' and s.TENANT_ID =#{tenantId}
<if test="userType!=null and userType!=-999 and userType!=-9999 and programItems != null and programItems.size() > 0">
<if test="permissonType == 5 or permissonType == 2">
and ( s.DEPT_ORG_ID in